Enable your editor's wordwrap feature to correctly view this file.
Several bugs fixed in this release...and several remain.
Fixed some problems with the program saying it cannot create *.BAK files when you enabled the SAVE WITH CR/LF option on the file tab.
Fixed some problems with the common file open dialogue and specific file types (the box might get confused, Gator would say he couldn't save a file of a certain type).
Fixed some help buttons.
The program still (in error) creates numerous TRD files when you search. Until this is fixed (next release) watch out if you are low on drive space. Gator will correctly clean up the TRD files on exit, but if you're searching a multi-meg file, you'll wrack up some impressive wasted space.
Gator will still put garbage on a line if you cursor (or mouse-click) past the end of the "real" text and press ENTER.
Gator still doesn't like Postscript printers. He may never like them...they don't like Gator either...
Gator still doesn't support the new CMPQwk 1.42 spelling engine -- if you have CMPQwk 1.42 and want to use Gator's spelling engine (it will get turned off in error when Gator detects CMPQWK.INI) you can work around it. Follow these steps:
1.) Move CMPQWK.INI to the \CMPQWK directory.
2.) Change your Program Manager (or Explorer shortcut) entry for CMPQwk so it loads CMPQwk as follows:
Use the paths on your system, obviously, not these if you've installed to another drive or directory.
Gator will then *not* find CMPQWK.INI, and will load its own spelling dictionary on command.
These and other small matters will be addressed in a future update that will be free to our users.
A few notes about future Gator releases.
1.) Derek Backus will no longer be doing Gator Edit, we will be hiring another programmer for that task.
2.) Gator Edit 1.5 will be the next major update, it will be free to all registered users.
3.) The 2.0 Gator Edit---assuming we locate a Pascal programmer of sufficient skill and who uses Delphi32) will be a 32-bit application, will not be a free upgrade.
Thanks for trying Gator Edit. If you have any questions, contact: